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Family is everything... but sometimes, they can be a bit much to work with, especially during family photos when everyone wants to be the boss and no one has a clue where their kids are. Hahaha! Been there.

I want to take all the stress out of your experience by handling the “staging” for those supposed to be posed shots and calling out aunt Karen when she won’t make Jr. stand still. For some reason, nothing tends to stress people out like having to simultaneously smile for a photo.... that’s no good. Let me handle all the stress and facilitate the process so that everyone leaves as happy friends still in a healthy relationship.

Family shoots can be as formal or relaxed as you want. They can look like at-home hangouts, outside in the yard or snuggled in your pj’s by the fire. They can be coordinated by the coast or in the woods. Send me your desired location, make sure you have permission to be there if it is privately owned, and we’ll set a date.

Easy Peasy!